Painted Aluminium for Capping Strip
In suspended ceilings made from mineral fibre panels, capping strip enhances the decorative appearance of the ceiling support structure. This narrow, extremely thin-gauge, coated strip is used to clad the visible surfaces of the T-shaped construction rails.
By selecting aluminium as an engineering material, significant weight saving can be achieved. Signi Coat has supplied high strength alloys to the construction market for years and utilises a coating system which ensures a perfect surface finish and optimum paint adhesion, even at the tight bend radii on the edges.
Alloy EN AW-5052S (AlMg3,5Mn) Temper H49
Thickness 0.18 and 0.16 mm (excluding lacquer) Tolerances +/- 0.020 mm
Width 29.0 mm, other widths on request Tolerances -0/+0.2 mm
Inside diameter 305mm, 405 mm, 505mm
Outside diameter Max. 1,800 mm
Coating on front side Single coat of polyester lacquer
Coating on reverse side Protective lacquer coating
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